
easy victory中文什么意思

发音:   用"easy victory"造句
  • 轻易取得的胜利
  • easy:    adj. 1.容易的。 2.舒服的,安乐的,大方的;宽裕 ...
  • victory:    n. 1.胜利,战胜;征服,克服。 2.〔V-〕 【罗马 ...
  • for the victory:    为了胜利
  • victory:    n. 1.胜利,战胜;征服,克服。 2.〔V-〕 【罗马神话】胜利女神(像)。 a decisive victory 决定性的胜利。 victory over oneself [one's lower self] 克制自己。 win a [the] victory over 战胜,击败。 win victory 得到胜利。
  • easy:    adj. 1.容易的。 2.舒服的,安乐的,大方的;宽裕的;(衣服等)宽松的;懒散的,散漫的。 3.平缓的,从容的,缓慢的。 4.【商业】(物资)丰富的;(物价)便宜的;(银根)松动的 (opp. tight)。 5.平易的,(笔墨等)流畅的。 6.慈善的;温厚的。 7.【牌戏】(无主桥牌局中的A牌)双方平等分配的。 8.随随便便的;易顺从的。 feel easy 舒服;安心。 Make your mind easy. 请放心。 free and easy 悠然自得,毫不拘束。 E-! 慢慢的,别急。 easy servicing 小修。 Be easy! 放心好了! easy chair 安乐椅,圈椅。 easy dress 便衣。 easy grace 优雅。 easy labour 【医学】顺产。 More easiler said than done. 说来容易做来难。 easy on the ears 〔美俚〕好听的。 easy on the eye(s) 〔美俚〕好看的。 easy on the trigger 〔美俚〕易兴奋的,易怒的。 easy to look at 〔美俚〕=easy on the eyes. in easy circumstances =on easy street (又作 E- Street) 〔美口〕生活优裕,小康。 a woman of easy virtue 水性杨花的女人。 adv. 〔口语〕容易,轻易;慢慢,安然,悠然。 E- come, easy go. 〔谚语〕来得容易花得快。 easy ahead! 〔口令〕轻步前进! 【航海】低速前进。 E- all! 【航海】停桨! easy does it! 别急。 go easy 别急! Stand at easy! 【罕】稍息! take things easy =take it easy 从容不迫,别急。 n. 1.〔口语〕暂时的休息,(桨手的)歇气。 2.〔美口〕易受欺骗的人,老好人。 without an easy 不停地。 take an easy 歇一口气。
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    更多例句:  下一页
  1. You can ' t hope to win an easy victory
  2. Leading 57 - 55 at halftime , the nuggets missed their first seven shots from the field in the third quarter and the lakers took advantage with 13 consecutive points and a 17 - 2 run that led to an easy victory
    在以57 - 55领先进入下半场后,掘金队前7投全失,而湖人却连续拿下13分并且打了掘金一个17 - 2 ,最后轻松获得胜利。
  3. Again the frenchman and the finn dueled for the lead , but unfortunately toward the and of the race francois stepped in a hole and sprained his ankle , enabling jon to coast to an easy victory
  4. The staff generals , elated by the easy victory of tarutino , urged on kutuzov that dorohovs suggestion should be acted upon . kutuzov did not consider any action necessary . a middle course , as was inevitable , was adopted ; a small detachment was sent to fominskoe to attack broussier
  5. Among the causes that contributed to bring about this result were lauristons mission , and the abundance of provisions at tarutino , and the reports that were continually coming in from all sides of the inactivity and lack of discipline in the french army , and the filling up of our regiments by recruits , and the fine weather , and the long rest enjoyed by the russian soldiers , and the impatience to do the work for which they have been brought together , that always arises in troops after repose , and curiosity to know what was going on in the french army , of which they had so long seen nothing , and the daring with which the russian outposts dashed in among the french encamped at tarutino , and the news of the easy victories gained by bands of peasants and free - lances over the french , and the envy aroused by them , and the desire of revenge , that every man cherished at heart so long as the french were in moscow ; andstronger than allthe vague sense growing up in every soldiers heart that the relative strength of the armies had changed , and the preponderance was now on our side


        easy:    adj. 1.容易的。 2.舒服的,安乐的,大方的;宽裕 ...
        victory:    n. 1.胜利,战胜;征服,克服。 2.〔V-〕 【罗马 ...
        for the victory:    为了胜利
        victory:    n. 1.胜利,战胜;征服,克服。 2.〔V-〕 【罗马神话】胜利女神(像)。 a decisive victory 决定性的胜利。 victory over oneself [one's lower self] 克制自己。 win a [the] victory over 战胜,击败。 win victory 得到胜利。
        easy:    adj. 1.容易的。 2.舒服的,安乐的,大方的;宽裕的;(衣服等)宽松的;懒散的,散漫的。 3.平缓的,从容的,缓慢的。 4.【商业】(物资)丰富的;(物价)便宜的;(银根)松动的 (opp. tight)。 5.平易的,(笔墨等)流畅的。 6.慈善的;温厚的。 7.【牌戏】(无主桥牌局中的A牌)双方平等分配的。 8.随随便便的;易顺从的。 feel easy 舒服;安心。 Make your mind easy. 请放心。 free and easy 悠然自得,毫不拘束。 E-! 慢慢的,别急。 easy servicing 小修。 Be easy! 放心好了! easy chair 安乐椅,圈椅。 easy dress 便衣。 easy grace 优雅。 easy labour 【医学】顺产。 More easiler said than done. 说来容易做来难。 easy on the ears 〔美俚〕好听的。 easy on the eye(s) 〔美俚〕好看的。 easy on the trigger 〔美俚〕易兴奋的,易怒的。 easy to look at 〔美俚〕=easy on the eyes. in easy circumstances =on easy street (又作 E- Street) 〔美口〕生活优裕,小康。 a woman of easy virtue 水性杨花的女人。 adv. 〔口语〕容易,轻易;慢慢,安然,悠然。 E- come, easy go. 〔谚语〕来得容易花得快。 easy ahead! 〔口令〕轻步前进! 【航海】低速前进。 E- all! 【航海】停桨! easy does it! 别急。 go easy 别急! Stand at easy! 【罕】稍息! take things easy =take it easy 从容不迫,别急。 n. 1.〔口语〕暂时的休息,(桨手的)歇气。 2.〔美口〕易受欺骗的人,老好人。 without an easy 不停地。 take an easy 歇一口气。
        easy in:    直接开始
        easy on:    the eye; 节制点、不要太多、悠着点
        as-easy-as as-easy-as:    软件
        march from victory to victory:    从胜利走向胜利
        victory after victory:    一个又一个胜利
        a crowning victory:    最大的胜利
        a decisive victory:    决定性胜利
        a garland of victory:    象征胜利的花环; 象徵胜利的花环
        a historic victory:    历史性胜利
        a landslide victory:    获压倒性多数票的胜利
        a signal victory:    伟大的胜利
        achieve victory:    获得胜利
        bright victory:    光荣的胜利
        bring…to victory:    使走向胜利
        cadmean victory:    以巨大牺牲换得的胜利〔源出卡德摩斯种下龙牙,生成许多武士相互残杀殆尽的故事〕。
        celebrate a victory:    庆祝胜利
        ceremony victory:    颁奖仪式
        clon victory:    酷龙 victory
        complete victory:    彻底胜利; 全胜
        costly victory:    代价高的胜利



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